:: iklaneka ::

Thursday, January 15, 2009

RSS Feeder bringing a new era for the world of blogging

RSS Feeds bringing a new era for a blogger when any blogger can do more than blogging. Usually blogger just can do a blogging work. And this work can be done at home or Cyber Cafe. RSS Feeder first be used by a group of student in college at Harvard University. They use it to make their coursework more easily to manage and subscribe more news from their lecturer portal or weblog (blog's old name).

Correct me if I'm wrong. They suppose to use it as a new project title. They can get more extra credit from thats subject. Project Management ! You can find out more about RSS Feeder from the library of Intentions (Google.com). You just simply type word RSS Feeder and then press ENTER or click button Google Search.

Good luck !

Hakcipta Terpelihara PANDUANOSS 2009-2012. Sebarang pertanyaan sila emailkan ke : mamn85@gmail.com